• Workflow Optimization Services

Workflow Optimization Services 

Take your performance to a higher level with bioMérieux Workflow Optimization Services

  • Are you making the most of your lab?
  • Do you need a roadmap to optimize your lab workflow and performance?
  • Do you think it’s possible to dramatically improve the efficiency of your work and the quality of your results with the resources you already have?


Make the most of your lab

In today’s environment with pressure to contain healthcare expenditure, combined with increasing physician demands, you need to find ways to deliver more with less.

In answer to these challenges, what will be your approach? On which lever will you act?

As your partner, bioMérieux can help you look at your lab from a different angle. Our Workflow Optimization Services combines management techniques (LEAN Six Sigma, Kaizen, 5S, …) and our microbiology expertise to enable you to:


Optimize resources:  

  • Increase ROI
  • Improve throughput
  • Increase lab profitability
  • Eliminate unnecessary processes

Manage growing workloads:

  • Streamline processes
  • Enhance productivity
  • Allocate resources according to workload variations – even the unexpected
  • Develop internal skills to identify improvement opportunities

Great workflow = clinician satisfaction:

  • Reduce turn-around time
  • Ensure the highest quality results
  • Reduce or eliminate error

Enhance human resource management:

  • Reduce stress – raise staff satisfaction & commitment
  • Reduce strain and eliminate inappropriate movements
  • Increase laboratory safety and reduce accidents


A roadmap just for you: 5 steps to optimized workflow

Together we will analyze your lab structure and design a roadmap to optimize your laboratory workflow:

  Diagnostic: a complete lab performance assessment

  • Analyze lead time, bottlenecks and errors
  • Inventory and review cost of best practices
  • Evaluate staff and space utilization

  Action plan - Develop a Lean road map tailored to your lab, with a focus on:

  • Workloads
  • Resources
  • Organization
  • Productivity and turn-around time

  Implement your road map

  • Target gains calculated in Step 1
  • Allocate resources
  • Implement area effectiveness and workstation design
  • Manage for daily improvement

  Partnership - Leverage indicators


  Lab performance improvement

  • Intensive leadership training
  • Create lab staff awareness of Lean principles
  • Apply Lean and Kaizen type management tools
  • Explore additional lab development possibilities


Are you making the most of your lab?

BEFORE Workflow Optimization Services

Lead-time issues often cause inadequate workload/capacity.

Graph 1: Potential risks of delay for specimen processing at the end
of the afternoon due to previous peaks of activity earlier in the day.

AFTER Workflow Optimization Services

We leverage our expertise to guide you to a more streamlined workload, quicker time to results, increased productivity.

Graph 2: Align activity and streamline workload to decrease turnaround time
and ensure continuous sample management.


They trusted us…


Doing More with Less: Lab Improves Speed and Efficiency without Adding Staff

The Holy Spirit Health System microbiology lab in Pennsylvania, USA, was struggling with the same staffing challenges many microbiology labs face every day – an aging workforce with a shortage of skilled resources to replace them. The lab needed a solution to elevate productivity, orient staff on value-added tasks and compress time-to-result.

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Large Centralized Lab Realizes Dramatic Reductions in Turnaround Times by Embracing Process Improvement Techniques

Like all labs, the Florida Hospital System’s centralized lab faces significant challenges, including the constant pressure to do more with less, decrease turnaround times (TATs), and contribute to decreased length of hospital stays. In addition to these, the lab receives batch samples from a geographically large and populous area. All plating is done locally at each hospital, batched and shuttled to Orlando. They needed to find techniques to improve process and reduce turnaround times.

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Reference Laboratory with High Volumes Implements LEAN Principles to Meet Growing Demand for Faster Turnaround Times

The Sunrise Medical Laboratory in Hicksville, New York is a large reference laboratory that provides microbiology testing for many private physicians and nursing homes, as well as some area hospitals. Sunrise faced the challenge of meeting ever-increasing demand from clients for faster turnaround times (TATs) without increasing costs or compromising quality. Physician clients were particularly concerned about TATS on the weekend – meaning the Sunrise staff routinely faced a huge workload at the beginning of each week. Unable to hire additional staff, lab management sought innovative methods and processes for improving lab efficiency and optimizing workflow.

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Pioneering diagnostics